Tuesday, February 16, 2016

New Unit! Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends!

Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends

We start this new unit off easy with an article and worksheet on fireworks. I'm not sure how this will tie into the unit, as mainly I am not quite sure what this unit is about. I am interested to find out more though. All I can hope for is that this is a easier unit that the Acids and Bases unit. I guess this is early reading for the unit: ChemWiki Periodic Trends

Acids and Bases Unit Test Follow-up.

Unit Follow-up
Weird Photo. Don't know what happened to it.
This unit was one on the most difficult one of the year. Hopefully I didn't do too bad on the test, as that would definitely hamper my grade. Although I don't feel I did too bad. I will update this post when I get the results.

UPDATE: I didn't do horribly on this test, but I could have done better and I wish I would have studied how to calculate titrations more. It didn't effect my grade too much, so I hope that I the next unit test will not go as bad.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


The Unit Test

The unit test is tomorrow. This is very scary. I need to do well on this test, but I always freeze up and can't do it. Hopefully this time will be different. I will do double the studying and double the work. Will update this when the test grade returns.

Resources:How to Find pH and pOHHow to find how many times more acidic or basic something is.

Acids and Bases - Second Lab

Second Lab

This second lab we did was very similar to the first, but instead of finding the moles of acetic acid, we were trying to find the molar mass of an unknown acid. The process of titrating the unknown acid was relatively the same process. However, there was some unforeseen complications. The unknown acid did not dissolve easily. The secret ingredient was heat, but the heat will evaporate the pHen required to titrate. So it was a lose - lose. However, we managed to get the lab done and get a decent grade. Titration help:http://www.westfield.ma.edu/cmasi/gen_chem1/Solutions/reactions%20in%20solution/solution%20stoichiometry/titration.htm 

Acids and Bases - FIRST LAB!

First Lab

The first lab we have done in this unit is the Percent Acetic Acid in Vinegar. This lab was really amazing because of the freedom we got while competing it. Basically, all the materials required to complete the lab were laid out on a middle table and the tools required to complete the lab were at the station, then we got three days to do whatever we need to do to finish the lab. We finished the lab by titrating the acid and standardizing the base. Titration Resources: https://www.dartmouth.edu/~chemlab/techniques/titration.html

Acids and Bases Weekly Quiz

Acids and Bases Weekly Quiz

I thought I knew alot on the quiz, but I guess I was wrong. I didn't get a fantastic grade on the quiz and it wasn't for the reasons I thought. I expected to get the ICE Box questions wrong but I got most of those right. Unfortunately for me, I didn't know how to graph ice box questions when I took this, so I had alot of trouble. I also didn't know how to figure out how many more times more acidic or basic something was. I have since learned and I can assure myself that I will not get those wrong on the test! Resources for ICE Box: http://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/howtosolveit/Equilibrium/ICEchart.htm

Acids and Bases

Acids and Bases

I am excited for this Unit riding off an okay grade for the Aqueous Solutions test. In the first couple of days we learned about the differences between  arrhenius acids and bases and Brønsted–Lowry acids and bases. We learned the properties of these acids and what their equations would look like. A helpful resource for this is: http://www.chemguide.co.uk/physical/acidbaseeqia/theories.html