Friday, April 29, 2016

Energy and Phase Changes Unit Begins!

This unit begins with quite a mathy start. We start with learning about mcΔt, or mcat. This formula is used to figure out how much energy is during a phase change. You can also use the formula -mcΔt = mcΔt, which can be used to determine a missing variable from another equation. Luckily, this appears to be the hardest math in this unit, so hopefully everything else will be easy. 

Boat Competition!

After we made our bio-diesel, the next part of the unit had us make boats to race! The boats were made out of all sorts of things, like cardboard and plastic. We made ours out of a butter/lard container. The sides of the boat were high and it was pretty light. Our team did have some trouble at first trying to get it to work, but eventually we managed to fix all the issues just in time for the race! We came in second place!

How to make a putt putt boat:

How to make biodiesel:

How to use biodiesel:

Biodiesel Construction!

We made bio diesel in a recent lab! It wasn't the most fun experience I have ever had, but it was still interesting to see how it was made. We placed depleted cooking into a beaker with a strong base, and then we used a spinner to spin the mixture for about 20 minutes. After that, our bio-diesel was ready to sit! One day later, the bio-diesel was ready, we just had to extract it from the cup. How to make biodiesel:

What is biodiesel?

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Biodiesel Contest Video!

This is the final copy of the biodiesel video Lindsi and I made for the ALAUM high school contest! Enjoy!

Link to the rest of the videos: