Monday, January 25, 2016

Aqueous Solutions Test!

The test wasn't very complicated, and I feel as if I did good on it. I believe I got an %86 on it, so I feel pretty good. Hopefully this will be a omen for the units to come, as I would really like to get close to an A. Hopefully with the new study techniques I've developed, I can do better on these tests in the future.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Aqueous Solutions Weekly Test

Thought I would include a picture of my dog instead of a flower today!

I thought I did good on this quiz, but that doesn't appear to be the case at all. I haven't checked it yet, so I'm still holding out on there being a error in the system. Anyhow, it is obvious that I need to study a bit. It also happened to be the case that I managed to forget my chem folder the day of the test. That basically crippled my studying abilities the day of the test, effectively ruining my chances of last minute studying. 

Murder Mystery Lab


The murder mystery lab is one that is fun to complete. Even after some difficult math and chemical predictions, it was still cool to see that come to fruition and watch as the chemical reaction unfolds just as you predicted it would, and bringing your self one step closer to solving the murder. This lab is much more involved than ones previous, making it a bit strange and confusing at times. I would get confused on what to do next even though we had a basic procedure written. Something cool about this lab was that we also got to choose exactly how we ran it! If you want to use well plates, you can, but you don't have to. This made the lab an experience much like I would expect a real laboratory to be.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Aqueous Solutions DAY 1!

Aqueous Solutions

     Today we began a brand new pretty confusing unit! That is to be expected though. This unit, as evidenced by the title of this post, is about aqueous solutions! However, there is a bit more baggage that comes along with this unit besides just aqueous solutions. I didn't realize how much substance would be in this unit. It's not that it is too difficult, it's that there is a lot to take in and comprehend.
The general principle of 'convert to moles' hasn't changed. Which for the most part is a very good thing. I hope that after some reading and studying I will have a better grasp on the concepts being presented in this unit!