Friday, January 15, 2016

Aqueous Solutions Weekly Test

Thought I would include a picture of my dog instead of a flower today!

I thought I did good on this quiz, but that doesn't appear to be the case at all. I haven't checked it yet, so I'm still holding out on there being a error in the system. Anyhow, it is obvious that I need to study a bit. It also happened to be the case that I managed to forget my chem folder the day of the test. That basically crippled my studying abilities the day of the test, effectively ruining my chances of last minute studying. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I also thought that the quiz wouldn't be that hard but it ended up being hard and I didn't expect some of the questions, especially the concentration of ions.

  3. I agree this quiz was really tough! I didn't expect the difficulty of this quiz, but it is still early in the semester and we are getting used to chemistry again, so let's hope it's smoother sailing from now on!
