Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Measurement Unit Quiz

I did okay on the measurement quiz, but I know that I need to improve if I have any chance of an A on the test. I probably will have the most problems with the math portions, but I think things will go well. I studied a lot, but I always have trouble doing math equations in a timely manner, I guess it's just something I'll have to deal with on test day.

Some helpful study links:

Precision vs. Accuracy

Unit Conversions

Sig Figs

Friday, October 23, 2015

Make a Mole Project!

Make-a-Mole Project

The Make-a-Mole project is a project in which we create a stuffed mole suited to the person's liking. We do this project to help celebrate Mole Day. We also celebrated mole day with a super fun Mole Day party! This project took a somewhat long time, mainly because the sewing was difficult and attaching the belly of the mole to the sides of the mole took some time.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Measurement pre-test Post-Report

Measurement Unit Pre-Test

The measurement pre-test was quite stressful, as I definitely don't know most of what is on the test. From what I can gather from the test, the only thing lacking was the unusual units of measurement used, what a significant zero is, and some formulas (+ brushing up on nomenclature and poly-atomic ions). This unit will have a ton of math, something I am no quite too excited about, but I think it'll get better once I can obtain a firm grasp of the formulas. All and all, I think that this will be an excellent unit to kick off the quarter with.

Some helpful links:

Significant Zeros

Scientific Notation

Start of the second quarter!

Today marks the start of the second quarter! While there are finals in this quarter, it also means Christmas. This quarter also will be the determining factor for many people's grades in what I call 'swing' classes. For example, if you got an %88 in a class for the first quarter, you have a chance to bring the average up enough in the second quarter to get a total %90 in the class. It's probably the most wonderful and stressful time of the year.

NEW UNIT! - Measurements

 New Unit: Measurements

Today we officially start the new Measurements unit in chem! I am excited to see what this new unit has in store for everyone and what exactly we will be learning! Also, as with every new unit, we will take the pre-unit test. This test serves as a bench mark for the individual taking said test, giving the teacher and the student a starting point.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Post-Unit Test Report

The exam for this unit was very stressful! I do not yet know what grade I got, but I think I did okay. There were many different questions spanning many different subjects. From % Abundance, to half life calculations, there was no shortage of challenging questions to answer. One part I always kinda struggled with was finding the average mass, but this website helped me a ton!

Forensic Archaeology Lab Post-Report

The Forensic Archaeology lab was a simulation of an isotopes' half life. We put around 576 small squares with color on one side into a box, and then shook them up. After that, we counted all the of squares that landed color up and called them the atoms that decayed. We had to do this until all 576 of our atoms where split up into the two different categories, then fill out a worksheet about them online. This lab was suppose to help us have a more visual understanding of the scale of atoms, but I wish it could've been done with fewer squares. :C