Monday, November 30, 2015

First Chemical Reactions Quiz!

First Chemical Reactions Quiz

This first chemical reactions quiz definitely could have gone better, but it never helps to know that you are being timed when taking a quiz! Most questions I got wrong where stupid mistakes I would've caught if I had taken my time :L. Regardless, only missing 3 questions on an 11 question quiz isn't horrible, especially I only count one of the questions as truly wrong, and I still don't know how to solve, better get that taken care of quick!

Double Replacement Lab!

Double Replacement Lab

In this lab, we tested about seven or so different reactants to see if they reacted with each other! Even though our group ran out of time, I still had lots of fun completing the lab! We have another lab coming up soon, where we will test lead and create our own re activity series based off it!

Helpful link for double replacement reactions!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

First lecture on Chemical Reactions!

Balancing Chemical Equations.

Balancing equations was tricky when I first learned it in Phys science, but now it seems a bit easier. All you have to do is make sure that all of the elements are balanced. Also don't forget those nasty diatomics!

Link to Khan Acadamy help for Balancing Equations:

Chemical Reactions Day 1

Chemical Reactions Day 1!

This unit so far is starting out good, definitely a better start than the disaster of the last unit. I plan to do a lot more studying and to get more study materials. I also hope to finally nail down those Poly atomic's once and for all! This useful website will help with those ever so tricky polys!

Lab! Formula of a Chloride Lab.

Formula of a Chloride 

This lab was much like the Formula of a Hydrate lab. The procedure was very much like the lab, with the lack of the Bunsen Burned because of a gas leak. One thing that was interesting about this lab was that we got to boil hydrochloric acid! The change wasn't as visually appealing as the Formula of a Hydrate lab, but it was interesting to watch the hydrochloric acid boil away! I really added to the unit and I believe that this will help out with practice on the test.

Composition Unit Test

Chemical Composition Test

The test for this unit was very difficult, and was very stressful. I feel like all the odds were stacked against me, for we took the test on a Monday and during first hour! A double whammy! Regardless, I will still review for this unit to make sure that I don't forget it! I already know that I failed, and I hope that we will maybe be able to retake the test. I also know that I could've studied a bit more, but I don't know what difference it would have made. I also failed to direct my studying at what really mattered. I spent all my time studying for the large empirical formula question that I completely forgot how to do everything else, the worst part being that I didn't even get to that question. Let's just say that I am very worried about my Chem grade after this test! :C

Empirical Formula help for those who still need it!

A website I wish I found before the test:

Friday, November 13, 2015

Chemical Composition Weekly Quiz Post Report.

Chemical Composition Quiz Post Report

I did decently on the Chemical Composition quiz, it was quite difficult, with things I didn't know how to do, but I hope to get studying those things and hopefully be ready for the quickly approaching test. I had the most problems with remembering the Poly atomic ion formulas, which I think will be very useful on the test.

This useful website can help with remembering those tricky polyatomic ions!

Lab Report! Formula of a Hydrate!

Formula of a Hydrate

This lab was very fun! I enjoyed it a ton. In the lab, you find the CuSO4 * nH2O. To do this, you take the mass of the unknown sample, then heat it to drive away water molecules. After that, you determine the amount of water driven off by subtracting the CuSO4 anhydrous solution from CuSO4 * nH2O. The color change that occurs when heating the substance is quite cool to watch. It goes from a blueish crystal to a white powder.

A good website to help with Molar Mass!:

Monday, November 2, 2015

Measurement Unit Test Post-Report.

Measurement Unit Test Post-Report
I tried my best on the test, but ultimately I ran out of time and I'm quite certain that it killed my grade. I don't have the test back yet, but I don't know if I want to see it :(. The grade is far from horrible, but I have higher standards for my grades in this class. Hopefully it can be like the nomenclature unit from last quarter and just be a bad start to an otherwise good quarter. Not to mention that we also have finals coming up X_X. 

Chemical Composition pre-test.

Chemical Composition Pre-Test

     The pre test for this unit was difficult, as it involves what appear to be very nuanced numbers and equations. This unit will be difficult and I need to be ready for the long run. The test gave you a density of a atom, and then asked questions about it, or it gave you the density (in g/mol) of separate elements in a compound and asked for the chemical comp. All and all, I predict that this unit will be trying and I hope that through studying and paying attention that I can turn this unit to my advantage. 

This website is useful for finding chemical composition:

This website is good for finding % Comp!: