Tuesday, November 17, 2015

First lecture on Chemical Reactions!

Balancing Chemical Equations.

Balancing equations was tricky when I first learned it in Phys science, but now it seems a bit easier. All you have to do is make sure that all of the elements are balanced. Also don't forget those nasty diatomics!

Link to Khan Acadamy help for Balancing Equations:  https://www.khanacademy.org/science/chemistry/chemical-reactions-stoichiome/balancing-chemical-equations/v/balancing-chemical-equations-introduction


  1. I can never remember the diatomic a either! Unlike you I found balancing to be rather complicated until she showed us the CHO method for hydrocarbons, that was really easy for me. Hopefully, I will understand that for the upcoming quiz.

  2. The diatomics are so tricky! I agree that the balancing equations does not seem as difficult as it did in eighth grade, I just hope the rest of the unit will go just as smoothly!

  3. The diatomics are so frustrating! I will always get so close but not be able to figure out whats wrong untill I remember there is a HOFBrINCl in it.
