Monday, December 14, 2015

Test Day Tomorrow.

The Stoichiometry Test Is Tomorrow

The test is tomorrow, and I hope that I am ready. I have done much to prepare, but I fear it may not be enough. However, I still have a couple of hours left in this day to study to make sure that I can do my best, not matter what, even though I struggle with math problems in general. Last minute study videos / websites below:

Stoichiometry Quiz 1

Weekly Stoichiometry Quiz
The weekly quiz we took this week revealed alot about how we should run these problems! The idea is to be fast and not to second guess yourself after you identify what you are solving for. Also make sure not to make stupid mistakes, like not reading the problems all the way or not using the right equations. Just make sure to read all the problems all the way through and everything will be alright.

Copper (II) Chloride and Iron Lab

Copper (II) Chloride and Iron Lab

This lab was very interesting and cool for many reasons! Not only did it provide a visualization of a stoichiometry problem, it also gave us a cool transformation to watch! The basics of the lab are:

1.) Record mass of starting materials (CuCl2, Fe, Jar)

2.) Mix CuCl2 and Fe in jar

3.) Leave them in the jar overnight

4.) Clean copper and nail.

5.) Wait two days for copper to dry.

6.) Mass remaining copper to perform the problem!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Stoichiometry Day 1

Stoichiometry Day 1

The beginning of a new unit brings the beginning of a new hope for my grade in chemistry. In stoichiometry, you start with grams or moles of  'Substance A' and then attempt to convert it into 'Substance B' Or to attempt to find the amount of a material used up in a reaction. Overall, I think this will be a good start to the unit!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Chemical Reactions Test!

Chemical Reactions Test

                 This test was definitely a lot easier than the last test, mainly due to the fact that I was more awake and alert. The only questions I messed up on where the oxidation numbers and one of the solubility ones. I do feel that this test will help my grade a ton though! Hopefully when I go ever the test all my answers will be answered.

Helpful Link for Solubility:

Helpful Link for Oxidation Numbers: