Thursday, December 3, 2015

Chemical Reactions Test!

Chemical Reactions Test

                 This test was definitely a lot easier than the last test, mainly due to the fact that I was more awake and alert. The only questions I messed up on where the oxidation numbers and one of the solubility ones. I do feel that this test will help my grade a ton though! Hopefully when I go ever the test all my answers will be answered.

Helpful Link for Solubility:

Helpful Link for Oxidation Numbers:


  1. I agree that this test was way better than the last test and it made a lot more sense to me. I also think I had the most trouble with the solubility rules because I am bad at memorizing things.

  2. Some of the solubility rules are tricky! I feel like there are so many exceptions that it can get hard to keep track of. Good luck with your grade! Confidence is key!!

  3. Those links definitely helped me study for the test, and I felt that they prepared me well for what was on the test.

  4. Those links definitely helped me study for the test, and I felt that they prepared me well for what was on the test.

  5. I agree with you as well, I felt that this test was much more easier going into, as I knew what was going on. However I knew I made a silly mistake towards the end as I was running out of time and had one last question to answer. Hopefully you (and I as well) get the grades we think we deserve!

  6. I agree this test seemed easier than many we have taken in the past.
