Monday, December 14, 2015

Test Day Tomorrow.

The Stoichiometry Test Is Tomorrow

The test is tomorrow, and I hope that I am ready. I have done much to prepare, but I fear it may not be enough. However, I still have a couple of hours left in this day to study to make sure that I can do my best, not matter what, even though I struggle with math problems in general. Last minute study videos / websites below:


  1. Oh I am so anxious for this test tomorrow (not a good anxious) I have been working my butt off trying to get everything in my head, which I feel I have done well, but knowing me I will miss the tiniest thing which will drop my grade. Thanks for the last minute study sites, I will most definitely be using them.

  2. I was anxious for this test as well. However, in retrospect, there was little to fear, since (at least to me) it was somewhat what we've been doing for the last week and a half or so. I am somewhat more confident now that it wasn't too bad, but I can always be wrong.

  3. I was anxious for this test as well. However, in retrospect, there was little to fear, since (at least to me) it was somewhat what we've been doing for the last week and a half or so. I am somewhat more confident now that it wasn't too bad, but I can always be wrong.

  4. I agree with Tom that the problems were similar to what we have been reviewing in class, but the only problem was that when I looked back at some of my answers, I realized I had made small mistakes that affected the rest of the problem. I tried to fix the ones I saw, but I am still crossing my fingers hoping I did everything right!
