Monday, December 14, 2015

Stoichiometry Quiz 1

Weekly Stoichiometry Quiz
The weekly quiz we took this week revealed alot about how we should run these problems! The idea is to be fast and not to second guess yourself after you identify what you are solving for. Also make sure not to make stupid mistakes, like not reading the problems all the way or not using the right equations. Just make sure to read all the problems all the way through and everything will be alright.


  1. I agree that reading the problem carefully is half the battle. Some of these problems have so many spots where little mistakes could mess up the rest of the calculation, so it's just about minimizing these mistakes!

  2. Both of you are very correct, but the thing that killed me was the fact I had only studied how to go when you are given the grams or moles of the beginning substance. Unfortunately, on the quiz there were several cases where we had to do other things in order to get to those grams or moles.
