Thursday, March 3, 2016

Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends: FLAME TEST LAB!

          This lab was tons of fun and I wish we could do this one again! It was very cool to watch the different colors of fire from the different metals tested. This taught us about wavelengths of light and how it effects the energy of the effected metal. We put this information into a chart and then we had to convert the wavelength of light to energy in J/MOL. This was arguably the least fun part of the lab, but that's okay because it was still cool to see how the information we collected turns into numbers that we can use! To figure wavelength based on color, click here!


  1. Good Job on getting a picture of a burning flame it is cool to see that others got a lot better turn out then I did.

  2. Good Job on getting a picture of a burning flame it is cool to see that others got a lot better turn out then I did.
