Sunday, March 6, 2016

Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends: QUIZ!

This quiz was very easy for me and I hope it will signal a turning point for my chem grade. It's not as if my chem grade was in grave danger before this test, only that a nice boost was needed. This test mainly covered electron configuration and electron orbital rules. Hopefully this will be a good omen and the future lessons with be just as easily understood. For help on electron rules, click here.


  1. This quiz was a bit easier than previous quizzes and that was such a relief! I'm happy you got a good quiz grade, and I'm sure that everything should get easier for us from now on!

  2. I would agree with you Ryan as my quiz grade was higher than it normally is, but I fear that future units might make this one look like a breeze. I think for this quiz we did so well because the content we learned wasn't as sketchy as in previous units, and by that I mean, that basically the things we learned were straightforward. But for the time being I'm happy with my chem grade, and I'm glad you did well also.

  3. I would agree with you Ryan as my quiz grade was higher than it normally is, but I fear that future units might make this one look like a breeze. I think for this quiz we did so well because the content we learned wasn't as sketchy as in previous units, and by that I mean, that basically the things we learned were straightforward. But for the time being I'm happy with my chem grade, and I'm glad you did well also.
